- First Floor -- Entry and Starting Point: Think Elks Club, but with the added bonus of an equipment and weapon cache. Adventurers may choose items for their journey upward.
- Second Floor -- Labyrinth: Nothing crazy here, just a short maze with one path through. The dead ends yield traps and other surprises. A locked room with gold has hazardous spikes, and another "false treasure" lies to the SW corner. Even if they get beat up a bit, there's a bit of food awaiting them on the other side.
- Third Floor -- Fountains: Fountains, a pool, and a locked door to the next level. The key lies here where... how to find it? (Still working the details out for myself) This level is all about searching -- no clues, just have to look around well...
- Fourth Floor -- Giant Spiders: Nothing to do here but fight some spiders to get to the other side. I'm not trying to kill anyone on this journey, so the spiders won't be able to kill, only hurt or sedate. Again, if they survive, food awaits.
- Fifth Floor -- Library: Tons of books, plus a statue and organ -- plus another locked door. The clues to this puzzle will be easy to find, but require some sleuthing to figure out how to use the clues.
- Sixth Floor -- Lava Pit: This one is all about agility, dexterity and timing to make it across to the other side. Avoid the statues shooting lava, and keep on the path, and you can sit on the throne and claim your reward.
As always, my timelapse video is below, with the download links below the video and on the Download Maps page.
The Tower Crucible of Tratorim
- The Tower Crucible of Tratorim (14x14x6) Color with Title (PNG)
- The Tower Crucible of Tratorim (14x14x6) Color without Title (PNG)
- The Tower Crucible of Tratorim - Dungeondraft File